The author of »Getting Started with Python«

Thomas Theis

Photo of Thomas Theis
Thomas Theis has more than 40 years of experience as a software developer and as an IT lecturer. He holds a graduate degree in computer engineering. He has taught at numerous institutions, including the Aachen University of Applied Sciences. He conducts training courses for JavaScript, C/C++, Visual Basic, and web programming, and is the author of several successful technical books.
Print edition E-book Bundle

Current titles

  • Cover of Getting Started with JavaScript

    Getting Started with JavaScript

    Thomas Theis

    520 pages, paperback

    New to programming and JavaScript? Look no further! With this beginner’s guide, learn the language ABCs and start developing applications. Walk through the programming basics: branches, functions, methods, objects, and more. Then create forms and events; use the Document Object More about the book

    approx. $34.99

    Pre-order now
    Available on 11/21/2024

    E-book | Print edition | Bundle
    • Get to know the basics of JavaScript development, from HTML to jQuery
    • Learn to create dynamic web and mobile applications by working with key language features such as objects, forms, events, and the DOM
    • Download more than 200 complete sample programs to use as project templates