Everything on the new monitoring infrastructure!

Monitoring and Operations with SAP Solution Manager







Print edition E-book Bundle
695 pages, , Print edition hardcover
ISBN 978-1-59229-884-6
695 pages,
E-book formats: EPUB, PDF, online
ISBN 978-1-59229-885-3
695 pages, , Print edition hardcover
E-book formats: EPUB, PDF, online
ISBN 978-1-59229-886-0
Running SAP Solution Manager (SolMan)? Say goodbye to CCMS and welcome an array of new options and possibilities to monitor issues across the system landscape. This book leaves no stone unturned: You’ll find detailed instruction on how to operate and configure all tools that come with the new monitoring and alert infrastructure. Throughout the book, practical examples, case studies, and guiding screenshots will help you keep your SAP system running.
  • Learn about the monitoring and alerting infrastructure introduced with 7.1
  • See how administrative tools and root cause analysis are used in real life
  • Master technical reporting, monitoring with various tools and systems, and more