The author of »JavaScript«

Philip Ackermann

Photo of Philip Ackermann
Philip Ackermann is CTO of Cedalo GmbH and author of several reference books and technical articles on Java, JavaScript and web development. His focus is on the design and development of Node.js projects in the areas of Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things.
Print edition E-book Bundle

Current titles

  • Cover of Full Stack Web Development

    Full Stack Web Development
    The Comprehensive Guide

    Philip Ackermann

    740 pages, paperback

    Full stack web developers are always in demand—do you have the skillset? Between these pages you’ll learn to design websites with CSS, structure them with HTML, and add interactivity with JavaScript. You’ll master the different web protocols, formats, and architectures More about the book

    from $54.99


    E-book | Print edition | Bundle
    • Your all-in-one overview of full stack web development, from design and interactivity to security and operations
    • Learn about frontend tools, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, APIs, and more
    • Work with backend technologies, including Node.js, PHP, web services, and databases