Meet all of your customers’ expectations by streamlining your delivery

Global Available-to-Promise with SAP: Functionality and Configuration







Print edition E-book Bundle
349 pages, , Print edition hardcover
ISBN 978-1-59229-385-8
349 pages,
E-book formats: EPUB, PDF, online
ISBN 978-1-59229-767-2
349 pages, , Print edition hardcover
E-book formats: EPUB, PDF, online
ISBN 978-1-59229-768-9
This practical guide teaches you how to implement and configure global ATP in SAP SCM to your company’s order fulfillment cycle. It includes coverage on product allocation, order confirmation, global ATP integration with other processes, and maintenance and monitoring. After reading this book, you’ll have a thorough understanding of how you can configure global ATP to help your systems work more effectively.
  • Master core functionalities and configuration techniques
  • Explore how global ATP works and integrates with other key SAP software
  • Optimize your global ATP functionalities to suit specific business processes